WebMD Health Services

Portland, OR
WebMD Health Services hero image showing the tagline We Take Well-Being Personally along with numerous brand illustrations.

Project Overview

As the industry-leading platform for employer and health plan well-being solutions, WebMD Health Services was looking to comprehensively revamp its visual identity, injecting a relatable, friendly, and human tone to the brand, while aligning it more closely with its mission to enhance health and well-being through informed decision-making and the encouragement of positive action.

At the outset, we recognized the need to deconstruct the existing visual identity, stripping it down to its core, and address the absence of clear brand guidelines and varied materials that lacked a unified visual execution. In the rebuilding phase, our team developed an entirely new color palette that complemented WebMD's brand blue. This revised palette introduced bright and bold colors, infusing the brand with liveliness and setting it apart from competitors. We also created clear rules surrounding the use of typography for the brand, ensuring consistency across all product and communication channels. We carefully selected fonts that would enhance readability and accessibility to meet the needs of WebMD’s vast audience.

Recognizing the challenge of conveying a broad spectrum of stories, action plans, health issues, and topics to a diverse audience, we identified a critical need for an extensive array of visual assets. While initially, we considered an image library complemented by a set of guidelines for uniformity, the financial implications alone made it clear that it wasn't a sustainable solution to adequately represent the diversity we aimed to address. To overcome this, we developed a vast, customizable library of illustrations and icons. This strategic decision was aimed at enabling rich visual storytelling that could adapt to the wide-ranging needs of our audience, ensuring that every communication was engaging, relatable, and inclusive.

The visual identity was extended further to include a comprehensive library of marketing and communication materials. These resources were specifically designed for WebMD clients to use in promoting their own well-being programs. The materials, ranging from brochures, posters, and flyers to email templates, and infographics, were developed to be easily customizable, allowing clients to incorporate their own branding while maintaining a connection to the WebMD brand.

The success of the work represents WebMD’s commitment to empowering individuals in their health and well-being decisions and further enhanced the company's standing as a leader in the digital health space. By laying a solid foundation, informed strategic design decisions and thoughtful implementation, WebMD has a powerful brand toolbox to meet the evolving needs of its users and clients, fostering a healthier, more informed community.


Brand Development
Asset Creation
Web Design
Web Development

Project Team

A selection of images highlighting the WebMD brand photography style.
The WebMD brand color palette - both primary and secondary libraries.
The recommended color usage breakdown for the WebMD brand.
A selection of WebMD branded icons on a white background.
A selection of WebMD branded icons reversed on a blue background.
An animated gif showing the individual pages of the WebMD Brand Guidelines.
A variety of examples highlighting the WebMD brand illustration style
An example of the illustration customization that was created to support the WebMD team.
Page layouts of the WebMD 7 Steps to Smart Incentive Design guide.
The poster and email to promote the "Path to Prevention" client campaign.
A t-shirt that was created to support the "Make Your Move" client campaign.
The promotion poster for the "Make Your Move" client campaign.
The poster and email to promote the "Physical Activity and Exercise" client campaign.