We are an anti one-size-fits-all agency.

We're not your traditional full-service agency; we're something more intimate, more focused. Our small teams are carefully curated, comprised of specialists tailored to your specific needs. When you engage with us, you're not just getting any team – you're getting the A-Team. Every member brings their unique expertise to the table, ensuring that your project receives the attention and dedication it deserves.

But it's not just about skill; it's about attitude too. We pride ourselves on our collaborative spirit and commitment to excellence. We don't tolerate egos or divas here. What you see is what you get – a group of passionate individuals working seamlessly together to craft unforgettable brand experiences.


Our work sits at the intersection of brand identity and digital design, where creativity meets functionality. We don't just create beautiful designs; we create solutions that stand the test of time. Our focus is on delivering stable, long-term results, not quick fixes.

01 Brand Strategy
Narrative & Voice
Messaging Frameworks

02 Brand Systems
Visual Identity
Brand Assets

03 Creative Services

04 Digital Experiences
Content & Architecture
Web Design
Web Development

Headshot of Michael Bienhoff, principal and creative director of Concept & Craft.Headshot of Michael Bienhoff, principal and creative director of Concept & Craft.

Hey there!

I’m Mike Bienhoff, the principal and creative director of Concept & Craft. With 18+ years in the creative industry, spanning both the agency and client sides, I've seen firsthand how traditional agency models can stifle opportunities to collaborate on truly exciting projects with incredible people and great brands. 

At Concept & Craft, we've reimagined the traditional agency blueprint to be more adaptable, flexible, and efficient, enabling us to address our clients' varied needs effectively, whether they're industry giants or boutique businesses.

The heart of our difference lies in the community we've built—a gathering of some of the most imaginative, sincere, and skilled individuals I've had the honor of working alongside. 

If you're curious about the difference a small, principal-led team can make, consider this an invitation to start a conversation, I’d love to chat.

How can we help?
Let’s chat.